Sunday, November 17, 2013

Neuroscience: Giving us an Understanding to our Brain and its Functions

I was really interested in this weeks topic because it reminded me of my psychology class in high school. Understanding the brain and its functions have been widely researched and studied for thousands of years. Each day learning more and something new. Psychology has always peaked my interest and neuroscience and the technology that they produce allows for the psychology field to thrive and continue to grow and increase understanding. 

I really liked how Mark Cohen talked about the function of the brain and how the eyes work along with it for us to see things right side up. Could you imagine seeing everything upside down all of the time? Do you think our brains come pre-wired to turn the inverted images around or does the brain learn how to invert images (Purkinje)? Well you could experience it first hand by using inverted goggles. 

I was really intrigued by the mention of migraines by Cohen. Migraines are a neurological disorder characterized by imbalances in brain chemistry. Cohen talks about the aura that occurs with a migraine and that they could use the inverted glasses in order to measure the frequency that the aura was occurring. 

~Claire Felix

Purkinje, J.. "Perceptions of the senses are the truths of perception." Cornell College. Cornell College. Web. 14 Nov 2013. <>.
American, Scientific. Experiments with Goggles. 1962. Graphic. Cornell CollegeWeb. 17 Nov 2013.
"Migraine or Headache." Excederin. Novartis Consumer Health, n.d. Web. 16 Nov 2013.
Simon, Harvey, and David Zieve. "Migraine Headaches."University of Maryland Medical Center. University of Maryland, 18 Sep 2013. Web. 15 Nov 2013.
ADAM, Inc, . Most headaches are caused by muscle contraction or blood flow problems. 2008. Graphic. The New York Times, New York. Web. 16 Nov 2013.
Nucleus Medical Media, Inc., . Migraine. 2009. Graphic. lifescript: healthy living for womenWeb. 13 Nov 2013.
ucdesma, . Neuroscience-Mark 2012. video. YouTube, Los Angeles. Web. 16 Nov 2013.

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