Thursday, December 12, 2013

Event #1 - The Hammer Museum

Event #1 - The Hammer Museum
The Hammer Museum. It is one of those buildings that we pass on a daily or weekly basis, yet how many of us stop in and see an exhibit there? I was guilty of that. I had never stopped in to walk around. However, I greatly enjoyed my time there, even though none of the curators, even outside of the exhibits, would take a picture with me as proof, so I asked one of the staff members at the front desk instead. Hopefully that will satisfy the requirement of proof of having attended the event.

The Hammer hosted two really interesting exhibits, yet I found the subject matter of one of them to be slightly disturbing.
The two exhibits were Forest Bess: Seeing Things Invisible; and James Welling: Monography.

Forest Bess’ exhibit was slightly disturbing to me because it had such a sexual focus through unusual medical procedures. I would not recommend this exhibit to classmates if they cannot handle disturbing matter with sexual content.
I would suggest James Welling’s Monography however, because it truly grasped the eye as well as made you use your imagination. It also touched on the groundbreakings of technology, which resemble modern day technologies. One of my favorite pieces was the Jacquard Loom: which Welling said was the “beginning or inspiration to the modern computer.” I really enjoyed the pictures of railroads and trains, because it also shows the progression of technology through art. As well as the pictures of gelatin and die to
create what appears to be coal.
~ Claire

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